-JSPS Asia Africa Scientific Platform Project-
4th Asia Africa Mineral
Resources Conference 2014
October 13-16, 2014
Organized by
Department of Geology, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography
& Country Planning, USTHB - Algiers
And Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Kyushu University
(First Circular)
The organizing committee is pleased to announce the 4th Asia Africa Mineral Resources Conference 2014" to be held on October 13-16, 2014 (with excursion on October 14-16), at “Salle Polyvalente”,USTHB , Algiers, Algeria. This meeting will present and discuss the latest findings that challenge the development of rare metal resources. The program committee solicits high quality papers containing original contributions related to mineral resources listed below.
Areas of Interest:
Economic Geology and Geological Engineering
Development and Production of Mineral Resources
Numerical Simulation of Resources and Environment
Mineral Processing, Waste Management and Recycling
Sustainability of Resources and Environment
Development and Production of Mineral Resources
Important Dates:
Deadline of Abstract Submission (including title and authors): the end of May 2014
Notification of Acceptance: 15th June 2014
Deadline of Full Paper (4 - 6 pages) Submission: 15th August 2014
Gathering at Algiers for conferences: 13th October 2014
Abstract Submission Requirements
The authors should submit their abstract (in English) electronically in MS Word document with
200 words or less. The first page of the paper must contain the title, names and affiliations of the authors, email address, and four keywords/phrases. Please identify the corresponding author, giving full contact information including email address and indicate the preferred mode of presentation (oral or poster). All papers should be sent via email to
Conference Fees (including banquet):
The conference fee includes the cost of the conference proceedings, admission to all technical sessions, and copy of conference proceedings.
100 Euros
5000 DA
Excursion and Field Trips:
There will be a trip to Mississippi Valley type Pb-Zn (Ba, F) mineralization in Setif region (250 km east of Algiers) on October 14-16 (field trip cost approx. 200 Euros). Details of the site and schedule of this excursion will be announced later.
Contact Persons:
Chairman: Pr. Dr. Omar KOLLI:
Secretariat (International): Dr. Kotaro Yonezu Email:
Address: Dept of Earth Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University,
Motooka 744, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan,
Tel: (+81)-92-802-3313, Fax: (+81)-92-802-3368
Secretariat (Algeria): Pr. Abdelhak Boutaleb:
Address: Department of Geology, Faculty of Earth Sciences, USTHB,
Tel/Fax: (+213)-21207782 and (+213)-21247647